
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information presented in this website is accurate and current at the time of publication, Lazer Safe Pty Ltd does not make any guarantee or warranty of accuracy of the information provided. Lazer Safe Pty Ltd reserves the right to make changes at any time and without notice. Lazer Safe Pty Ltd does not assume any liability for the accuracy of information presented or for any subsequent loss or damage suffered where you rely on or use the information contained within this website.

Any information, descriptions, specifications and images of press brakes presented in this website are provided by the press brake manufacturers. Lazer Safe Pty Ltd does not assume any liability for the accuracy of this information. You should consult the press brake manufacturers directly to confirm the accuracy and validity of this information prior to making any purchasing decision.


The contents of this website are subject to copyright and must not be duplicated, reproduced or communicated without the prior written consent of Lazer Safe Pty Ltd.

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Third party information presented on this website includes any information provided by the press brake manufacturers that are represented in this website. Any information and digital assets including logos, images, videos and any other company or product information remain the property of the press brake manufacturers and may be subject to copyright and must not be duplicated, reproduced or communicated without the prior written consent of the press brake manufacturers.

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The following trademarks are the property of Lazer Safe Pty Ltd and must not be duplicated, reproduced or communicated without the prior written consent of Lazer Safe Pty Ltd; Lazer Safe, Press Brake Buyer’s Guide, RapidBend, RapidBend Plus, RapidBend Ultimate, FlexSpeed, FlexSpeed Plus, SmartLink, BendShield, AutoSense, AutoSense Plus, AutoSense Ultimate, BendVision.